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London Children in Care Council Social Action Research Report

This social action project was a joint development between the London Children in Care Council and Partnership for Young London. This work was undertaken between March 2018 – February 2019.

The pan London CiCC decided on the three priorities that they wanted to focus on.

  1. Education - accessing support

  2. Accommodation – preparation for independent living

  3. Money/budgeting – managing and spending it wisely.

These issues have been identified by care experienced young people as the key priorities they want to focus on together over the year. Workshops were then facilitated at the CiCC meetings on each theme, aiming to give information and advice on each theme but also gather examples of what is working well and what some of the issues were for young people. In total approximately 130 young people attended these sessions (80 in the focus groups and 50 in the CiCC meetings.


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