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Case Study - The Avenues Youth Project

Updated: Nov 30, 2022

Title of the project: Girls & youth projects.

About you:

A short description of your organisation and the team

Our mission is to give hope and opportunities to children and young people in West London, so they fulfil their potential and leave prepared and excited for adult life.

The Avenues team of youth professionals provides a safe, caring, youth-led space in a disadvantaged inner-city area, where young people can learn, develop, and build towards a brighter future.

Open-access after-school and holiday programmes take place in our purpose-built youth centre in North Westminster. Activities encompass sport, healthy cooking, music, art, dance, radio, skills development, and career pathways. Delivered by our experienced team, the work is child-centred and promotes enjoyment, collaboration, and individually tailored support towards personal development.

Young people are encouraged to become volunteers, participate in social action, and to use their voices to share their ideas, opinions and needs, which in turn helps us shape the youth programmes.

Research Brief

What are you aiming to do and why?

Aims: to find out what young girls want and need from their local youth club, research barriers and why they don’t access services already on offer and to help youth clubs’ insight into this so they can provide better provisions for girls in their area.

Why? There are a lot of service focused on boys, we want to ensure young girls have the best chance of accessing services in their area that meet their needs and make them feel safe. Our young researchers have all majorly benefited from their attendance of our girl’s hub and they would like to make that opportunity more accessible to young women.

Who are you targeting the work at?

Target group: primarily young women aged 12-18 years but also other people in young women’s lives that may have an influence on their attendance, such as parents, siblings, members of the community & schools.

What are you trying to influence?

We are trying to influence people’s perceptions about youth projects and their benefits, with young women, to show the support and opportunities they could avail of by engaging. We want youth projects to been see as a safe supportive place for young women.

Contact details – who should people contact

Niamh Carroll (Girls lead worker)

Carol Archibald (program director)

Office number: 02089699552


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