Title of the project: Digital opportunities for young people
About you - a short description of your organisation and the team
SoapBox Youth Centre is an open-access youth centre run by Covent Garden Dragon Hall Trust (CGDHT) delivering digital, media & technology provision for socially excluded YP aged 11-25 years old, recognised as “21st Century Youth Work” (Guardian, 2021) and selected as a finalist for UK Youth’s 2021 ‘Inspiring Pioneer Award’ because of our “forward-thinking harnessing of technology to positively impact YP” during the pandemic.
Our current work includes providing an in-person/online programme of 40+ activities with 200+ attendances per week. These include creative, arts, digital, media & tech workshops; employment sessions; dedicated young women’s takeover, targeted work for YP with autism, learning disabilities and who are excluded from school; daily Youth Worker Drop-ins. We also offer many work placements for YP, with Royal Mencap, and an employment programme with Dream it Real. We organise activities with many partnerships such as SoundSkool, and many programmes.
Research Brief
What are you aiming to do and why?
To provide digital and STEAM opportunities for all young people in their local youth clubs. Young people from ethnic minorities, young women, and SEND groups are currently missing out on digital opportunities and we would like to see this changed.
Who are you targeting the work at?
young people from ethnic minorities, young women, and SEND groups.
What are you trying to influence?
We are trying to influence youth centres based in the community to better provide access to the digital opportunities that London has to offer.
Contact details – who should people contact
James Dellow (youth@dragonhall.org.uk)