Title of Project: Highbury Roundhouse
About you – a short description of your organisation and the team
Highbury Roundhouse is a thriving community-based organisation providing essential services to Islington residents of all ages. Over the last 48 years, we have been working with minorities and disadvantaged communities. Our mission is to promote people's wellbeing, tackle social and economic exclusion and support residents to reach their full potential.
Our organisation has particular expertise in working with children and young people. We encourage young adults aged 10 to 21 to engage in positive activities, which increases their life outcomes and reduces their risk of falling into crime.
We found that the most effective way to engage with young people is through co-production and youth lead engagement. We offer a term-time and holiday offer that supports young people in developing their personal and social responsibility. We provide long-term engagement and support through mentoring, education, employability, health and wellbeing workshops, and other activities that meet the interests of young people. We help them to achieve professional accreditations to increase their employability.
In November 2021, we were awarded the London Youth Quality Mark achievement, proving that our organisation is a valuable and indispensable part of the local community.
Research Brief
What are you aiming to do and why?
We want to propose solutions to improve young people's access to mental health services. Early access to mental health services can prevent extremely challenging situations for young people and increase their positive outcomes. We want to understand young people's challenges in accessing youth mental health services. Why do young people not open up and seek help when they have mental health issues? We know that the failure to access mental health support results in the declining quality of young people's lives and reduces their educational achievements.
Who are you targeting the work at?
Young people aged between 13 to 18 and living in the London Borough of Islington.
What are you trying to influence?
We are trying to influence schools, youth clubs, healthcare providers and policymakers to increase youth mental health accessibility and provide better support for young people who are faced with mental health difficulties.
Contact details – who should people contact
Eneida Capaldi (eneidac@highbury-roundhouse.org.uk)
Dinisha Shibnauth (dinishaS@highbury-roundhouse.org.uk)