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School Daze


Engage London is a partnership between Children England, Partnership for Young London and the Race Equality Foundation, funded by London Councils. The aim of the programme is to support the children, young people’s and families voluntary and community sector (CYP & F VCS) across the region, through the provision of training, resources, networks and briefings.

One element of the programme is a focus on engaging with schools and this briefing aims to support groups to create more effective partnerships with schools. Voluntary and community sector organisations have for many years had close relationships with schools, either directly, though joint work, or indirectly, through the children and young people that both support. Recent changes to the schools system in England will, in many cases, lead to alterations in the nature of these relationships, particularly with regard to the commissioning of support services. This guide aims to support voluntary and community sector groups to understand and adapt to this new environment.


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