Peer research, a growing trend in the corporate and social mobility worlds. As The Young Foundation put it, peer research is a ‘participatory research method in which people with lived experience of the issues being studied take part in directing and conducting the research.’ It is a form of democratic participation and allows people to express their personal opinions. In recent years peer research involving young people has grown, and along with that comes its pros and cons. The youth of today are obtaining more avenues to project their voices; however, some argue that this is purely tokenised and is a democratic façade. Information on peer research involving young people’s effectiveness is scarce, this is where the Partnership for Young London Advisory board comes in. Throughout the next year we will be conducting primary research on the effectiveness of peer research involving young people.
Partnership for Young London Advisory board consist of what I’d like to think are 7 diverse and intellectual young people from various boroughs around London. My name is Tanisha Zaman, and I am a member of the PYL advisory board. I applied for this opportunity with a hunger to achieve a greater democracy. Although this is one of the smaller groups I am part of I saw great potential in this opportunity. The large web of networks that include the Greater London Authority, Mayor of London and various local forums intrigued me. At the surface level I saw a chance to express my personal values regarding peer-research, and to represent my peers who feel overlooked by their local authority and authority in general. But at its depths I joined the PYL advisory board to tackle personal adverse. As a young, female, Bengali Muslim from a low economic background I am a statistical anomaly. Those of my background are societally disadvantaged and therefore usually lack a platform to exercise direct democracy, I find this unfair and highlight it as a major societal issue. I deserve the right to be heard at the same level as my male, non-ethnic, financially privileged counterparts, as does everybody. The Partnership for Young London advisory board hence is a step out of a stair towards greater inclusion and diversity.
After our first meeting in the Guildhall London, I noticed my peers and I shared values of empathy and friendliness. We discussed the predecessor of our current agenda and what will follow up throughout the year. But at the heart this meeting was an introduction to the ‘vibes’ of Partnership for Young London. I saw its ethics being practiced in person during our icebreakers where a comfortable environment was made. We did many thought provoking and fun activities like rating the new barbie film and discussing our personal interest. Giggles and laughs filled the room throughout the day, and I can truly say I enjoyed the ‘vibes’ of PYL advisory board.
I look forward to embarking on this journey further with Partnership for Young London but most importantly my peers on the advisory board!
- Tanisha Zaman