In writing this blog I try to capture how changing our research approach and methodology can strengthen research projects and allow for the collection of more meaningful data.
It’s a blurring of boundaries, being the researcher and the researched. There’s an assumption that doing so would threaten the validity of our research but in those zoom rooms where we sat in black boxed darkness with only our voices projecting through and the glow of names on the screen, there were relationships forged. At a time when most people were complaining of zoom fatigue, there was an almost collective sigh of relief as an unconscious decision was made to turn camera’s off. People make the assumption that to have sustained participation and to create connection, we must be able to see each other which not only serves to highlight the ableism in such a requirement but also in this context was found not to be true. In those spaces we were able to leave our physical selves at the digital door and enter into those spaces as ourselves.
Click here to download the full blog.