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Demonstrating Impact



Over the past 5 years we have been running Demonstrating Impact to support the infrastructure of the voluntary sector. We are grateful to City Bridge Trust for its generous support for this broad programme of work. ​


Programme of work

Remel London of What’s Up TV, Sky One with Sandra Vacciana

Best Practice


Sandra Vacciana was interviewed by Remel London on What’s Up TV, Sky One as part of a feature about hair discrimination. Sandra talked about the work that Partnership for Young London has been doing to raise awareness around this issue through its arts and heritage project Know Your Roots

Remel London of What’s Up TV, Sky One with Sandra Vacciana


Networking Events


This work involves delivering events on key thematic issues such as Race, Gender and Representation to explore emerging themes in our practice, how we can better support each other and the young people that we work with. Our most recent session was delivered in collaboration with Paul Hamlyn Foundation to mark International Women’s Day 2020. We investigated how women of the African Diaspora in the sector are ‘taking their space’!

International Women’s Day at Paul Hamlyn Foundation, 2020

Intersectionality Graphic Harvest full c




We are working in partnership academic institutions such as London Metropolitan University to contribute to the learning of the next generation of Youth and Community Workers by delivering lectures on ground-breaking academic ideas such the Intersectionality Framework, conceptualised by Professor Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw.


(See briefing sheets, Exploring Intersectionality -Celebrating Intersectionality at 30 and Intersectionality - paper by Helen Sanson  in the resources and research section below ) 




World Mental Health Day 2019


We were proud to contribute World Mental Health Day at City Hall in October 2019. London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, took a keen interest in the work that Sandra Vacciana is leading on regarding gender and race equality.

London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, talks with Sandra Vacciana about Know Your Roots



We Are Offering Peer Support


Partnership for Young London has been coordinating job shadowing opportunities for colleagues working within the youth sector. Do you need additional support in the current climate? It could be a couple of hours with a CEO pulling your business plan together, some coaching around a particular challenge you are facing in your work or some non-managerial supervision. We are keen to establish this initiative in the current period of change. If you would like further information contact


Framework Addressing Racial Inequality


Is a resource being developed to raise awareness about racial equality in youth work. We have completed one to one interviews and focus groups with young people in Southwark, Greenwich City of London and Westminster. The data is currently being analysed. We will use this period of remote working to get a sample of the resource ready for piloting by summer, 2020.




We have produced a range of briefing sheets and resources (see the resources section below) on emerging themes within our practice such as Creating Safe Spaces in Work with Young Men, Exploring  Representation, Race and Heritage through arts-based practices with Young Women, the Intersectional Framework and how it can inform our work and examining Our Values to understand how they influence our work.

Resources and research


Resource for Youth Workers Addressing Racial Equality

Partnership for Young London is developing a resource for youth workers that addresses the issue of racial equality. As part of this work we want to run focus groups across London. Below is the criteria for a session. Can you help us to organise a focus group?

  • We want to work with young people who are Black African, African Caribbean or Dual Heritage

  • We have two different age ranges for this work.  We want to work with young people aged 11 years to 16 years

  • OR young people aged 16 years to 25 years.

  • The length of time for each session is 1.5 to two hours

  • We will be exploring the theme of identity in the session

  • We can supply refreshments and out of pocket expenses for travel.

  • We would deliver the session but also need a member of staff to be present with us for the duration.

  • We would need to do a monitoring form and to record the voices of the young people present/take photographs in line with GDPR procedures.

  • We would like to run the session between September and December



Contact Us


Sandra Vacciana 


Improving Practice Lead


Location: Partnership for Young London, City of London, Guildhall, London EC2V 7HH


Postal: Partnership for Young London, City of London, PO Box 270, Guildhall, London EC2P 2EJ


Charity registration number: 1062226

Company Limited by Guarantee: 3334117


Illustrations by Drew Sinclair 

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