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COVID - 19 Resources

 COVID - 19 Guidance and Resources for Practitioners and Young People


Domestic abuse: get help during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
The Home Office has updated the guidance on domestic abuse during the coronavirus to include more information about getting help for children and young people.


DCMS - Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19)
DCMS have published guidance for people who work in performing arts, including arts organisations, venue operators and participants.


Protective measures for out-of-school settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
This guidance is for organisations or individuals who provide community activities, tuition, holiday clubs or after-school clubs for children, as well as their staff and volunteers. This guidance will be relevant for those providers which fall within the government’s definition of an out-of-school setting (OOSS), as well as those providers caring for children over the age of 5 and registered with Ofsted on either the compulsory or voluntary childcare register.


Child Poverty Action - Cash in A Crisis
This new report draws together CPAG’s evidence of the gaps in support that exist for children and families affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, research into how local authorities are spending the hardship money they have been allocated by central government and good practice with local welfare assistance schemes.


NYA - Detached Youth Work Guidance
The National Youth Agency with Federation for Detached Youth Work and DCMS have produced guidance for the youth sector on delivering services. There is also a short video to explain the measures needed and the readiness framework. This can be found here.


NSPCC - Coronavirus briefing: guidance for social workers.

This briefing summarises guidance from across the UK on how social workers and local authorities should work during the pandemic to ensure that children are protected. 


Safeguarding and remote education during coronavirus (COVID-19).

Guidance on safeguarding procedures for schools when planning remote education strategies and teaching remotely in England during the coronavirus outbreak.


Public Health England - Disparities in the risk and outcomes of COVID-19
The report’s analysis includes the differing effects of the pandemic according to age, sex, geography, ethnicity, health and occupation. The findings help improve understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic and will help guide the future public health response to it.


NSPCC Learning - Safer recruitment during COVID-19
NSPCC Learning has pulled together guidance to help anyone working with children and young people recruit safely whilst observing social distancing guidance. The guidance covers: choosing the right candidate; vetting, disclosure and barring checks; and starting employment.


Spotlighting the role of frontline youth workers as policymakers beyond a COVID-19 world
In this article, Sarah Hogue calls for frontline youth workers to have more of a role in youth policymaking as we emerge and move on from the current pandemic.


GOV.UK - COVID-19 safeguarding in schools, colleges and other providers
Guidance for schools and colleges to support them keeping children safe, including online, during the Coronavirus outbreak. 


GOV.UK - COVID-19 guidance for schools and other educational settings
Guidance and advice about coronavirus in educational settings for staff, parents and carers, pupils and students.

GOV.UK - Increased risk of fraud and cybercrime against charities
This alert provides information and advice for charities about COVID-19 related fraud and cybercrime.

DoE - Information, guidance and support for parents and carers
What parents and carers need to know about schools, colleges and other education settings during the coronavirus outbreak


Guidance for parents and carers on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

Public Health England (PHE) has published updated guidance to help adults with caring responsibilities look after the mental health and wellbeing of children, including those with additional needs and disabilities, during the coronavirus pandemic.


GOV.UK - School and education guidance for parents and carers
What parents and carers need to know about schools and education during the Coronavirus outbreak​.


NVCO - Contingency planning and financial implications

NCVO have prepared this guide to help charities to prepare for the potential impacts of coronavirus on your charity's or voluntary organisation's operations and finances.


Youthlink Scotland - Social Media: The Basics for Youth Work

This guide will look at what you need to know when it comes to social media platforms and using them in your youth work practice.


Youth Access - How the youth advice and counselling sector is adapting in response to coronavirus

Youth Access, a national membership organisation for young people's services surveyed members on how they are adapting advice and counselling in response to Coronavirus, including remote delivery, safeguarding and emerging mental health issues. 


Supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing during COVID-19
Guidance for parents and carers on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus outbreak.


NYA – Introduction to detached youth work during COVID-19
A short guide to support you in planning and conducting this work safely.  


Coronavirus guidance for the charity sector
Guidance to help with running your charity during the Coronavirus outbreak.


Safe Lives - Domestic abuse and COVID-19

Safe lives have published guidance during COVID-19 for victims and survivors.



GLA - Coronavirus updates and guidance

The GLA have created a Coronavirus resources centre with sections on NHS guidance, Employee guidance, information for non-UK nationals and Civil society support.



Self-isolation if you or someone you live with has symptoms - Coronavirus (COVID-19)



COVID-19: guidance for employees, employers and businesses



Mencap have created some easy read information about coronavirus, as well as information based on the latest guidance from the government.


Place2Be - Coronavirus: Helpful information to answer questions from children

Guide to helping parents answer questions from their children and to support family wellbeing.


Young Minds - Talking to your child about Coronavirus and 10 tips from their Parents Helpline to support family wellbeing

This advice is from Young Minds Parents Helpline experts and is for those with children who are worried or anxious about coronavirus, and how to support them.


Public Health England – Easy to read advice about the Coronavirus

This Easy Read document is based on the ‘Advice on coronavirus for places of education’ from Public

Health England.


CYP Now - Coronavirus: advice for youth work groups

Leading youth organisations have come together to offer guidance to youth workers on supporting young people and staying safe during the coronavirus pandemic.




UKYouth launched a survey to further understand how #Covid_19 is impacting the youth sector and young people


Guide for Local Authorities and Local Resilience Forums on the system to support those who are clinically extremely vulnerable to COVID-19.



We Work Well – Free training to help manage anxiety and stress
Free training to help manage anxiety and stress associated with the pandemic panic. Managing levels of anxiety and helping to maintain resilience during the Coronavirus outbreak.


ERSA - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Employability Resource Hub

ERSA’s Coronavirus Employability Resource Hub shares resources for the sector, including links to emergency funding and all the latest government guidelines and business support.



Charity Bank - COVID-19 Resource Hub for Charities and Social Enterprises
Charity Bank has created a Resource Hub which it is updating regularly to include information on topics such as HR, finance, fundraising and fraud.


London Plus – COVID- 19 resources for London’s charity sector

London Plus will be updating this page with resources and guides, for civil society organisations in London during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. From tips about working from home to guidance on governance.


London YOUTH – COVID-19 updates

London Youth are providing updates on:  Emergency funding & support, Official guidance & resources and Working with young people remotely.


Young Minds - Coronavirus: Impact on young people with mental health needs report

Young Minds carried out a survey with young people with a history of mental health needs between Friday 20 March 2020 (the day that schools closed to most children) and Wednesday 25 March 2020 (when there had been a further tightening of restrictions) in order to establish the impact of the pandemic on their mental health and on their ability access to support.



NYA - NYA Guidance Version 3, Managing youth sector activities and spaces during COVID-19
NYA have published the latest updated version of the NYA COVID Guidance. The guidance has been updated after the government's latest announcements on local tiers and guidelines. 


Stay Home, Save Lives - Public Information Materials

This is a vital campaign update from the government about Coronavirus. It supports stay at home messaging and the importance of this. Stay home. Protect the NHS. Save lives.


Good SAM app, NHS Volunteer Responders

NHS Volunteer Responders has been set up to support the NHS during the COVID-19 outbreak. Volunteers must be 18 or over and fit and well with no symptoms. The majority of tasks can be undertaken while social distancing and volunteers will receive guidance through our 'getting started pack'. If you do become ill, you can pause your volunteering.


Youth Access – Going Digital

A beginner's guide to adding online support to your young people's mental health and wellbeing service.


NSPCC - Online safety and social media

Mobile devices, social networking sites and the internet are great tools to help organisations and groups engage with children and young people. However, if used inappropriately, they can also pose potential safeguarding risks and this may lead to abuse, both online and offline. On this page the NSPPC is sharing best practice for online safety for group or organisations.


NSPCC - Podcast: enhancing online safety for children

The NSPCC are releasing a series of episodes that explore best practices for safeguarding children and young people in the voluntary and community sector as part of a partnership led by NCVO, funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and the National Lottery Fund within the Safeguarding Training Fund programme. This episode focuses on how to enhance online safety for children and young people in your group or organisation and how to deal with any online issues that might arise.


Coronavirus - Support for victims of domestic abuse
For anyone who feels they are at risk of abuse, it is important to remember that there is help and support available to you. Guidance is also available to help perpetrators change their behaviour.


Good Thinking and Thrive LDN

London’s digital mental wellbeing service, Good Thinking, is working with Thrive LDN to provide a comprehensive digital support offer for Londoners. It includes apps, advice and a self-assessment tool.



People, Dialogue and Change
The People, Dialogue & Change website has a range of resources for online youth work, including the recording of a webinar that created space for youth workers to share their experiences of digital youth work.

Search Institute
A helpful checklist designed to support staff in schools and youth programmes to continue building developmental relationships with young people, while they are at home during the COVID-19 crisis


SAFE Community Interest Company – Crisis Hub

SAFEcic has developed a crisis hub with resources to help voluntary sector organisations stay on top of safeguarding.



Media Trust

Media Trust are currently working with the media and creative industry, looking at ways they can use their skills to support charities, communities and young people at this time of uncertainty.


Reach Volunteering - Volunteers to help charities during the coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak

Reach volunteers are expert professionals keen to support through this difficult time and can work remotely to help charities to achieve their aims.


Public Health England – Every Mind Matters

Public Health England have updated its Every Mind Matters pages with a range of new resources, designed specifically to show how to manage mental wellbeing during coronavirus, including a tailored COVID-19 Mind Plan, COVID-19 specific content for individuals and their loved ones, and support for specific mental wellbeing issues such as anxiety, stress, low mood and trouble sleeping. 


Good Thinking - Mental wellbeing advice

In this section, Good Thinking have linked mental health tips for specific audiences, including parents and carers, children and young people, and healthcare professionals.


London Youth – COVID-19 Financial impact on members
London Youth has surveyed 290 youth workers from 149 different organisations on the impact of COVID-19 on their youth organisations, how they were adapting, and what support they needed. 


NYA – Out of sight? Vulnerable young people during COVID-19
The National Youth Agency has published a report which highlights the scale of young people’s needs which have increased or been caused by the pandemic, and calls for a clear exit strategy for young people who are likely to be included in the early stages of release from lockdown measures. 



Frame Works Institute - Framing COVID-19

Frameworks Institute has pulled guidance from twenty years of framing research and practice to help advocates and experts be heard and understood in a time of global crisis. Every few days, they are sharing a few ideas that can help us all amplify the values of justice, inclusion, and interdependence.



Trust for London – COVID 19 Resources

Trust for London have collated some resources from their grantees, the wider sector, and other related sources covering areas such as digital, legal and governance, financial, communications, evaluation and community organising to support organisations working through the COVID-19 crisis.


London Funders - London Community response newsletter
Sign up to the newsletter to find out more about developments from the London Community Response in real time.

The Race Equality Foundation - Resources for Covid-19
A range of resources and information on race, gender and mental health.


The Red Cross - Coronavirus staff and volunteer information

The Red Cross is sharing its on-line training, designed for people who are going to be deployed to respond to the coronavirus outbreak.


Become - Coronavirus and its impact on care-experienced young people
Become has published two pieces of work highlighting the issues surrounding children in care and care leavers.

Youth and Policy - Youth and no work
As a youth worker in a small London based organisation, Sally Baxter shares her experience, taking the journey from developing online youth work to furlough. 

The Hype Project – COVID-19 Resources

The Hype projects have a collection of free resources that may help support young people during this time.


Victim Support – Support Services

Victim Support is offering an online live chat providing confidential support for those who could be self-isolating with their abusers, whether they are partners or family members. They are asking for help in promoting this service by directing people affected by crime to the VS website or by sharing their short animation on social media. They also provide a secure online platform called My Support Space containing interactive guides, tips and videos on topics such as difficult emotions, coping strategies, trauma and sleep.  


We Can Talk - Learning tool for hospital staff

Free online learning tool for hospital staff supporting children & young people’s mental health. 


The Mental Health Foundation - Mental Health Awareness Week Resources
The Mental Health Foundation has published a range of resources to help people to look after their mental health. 

Social Enterprise UK – Online forum
An online forum designed to bring the social enterprise community together to share their experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic, to discuss important topics and to post offers of support and calls for help. 

The Skills Builder Partnership - Universal Framework for Essential Skills
Developed over 4 years and in use by 750+ organisations it shows how to build essential skills at every stage of life.



The Match
The Match aims to match skilled professionals who are furloughed from their jobs with small businesses for strategic and practical business support during the Covid-19 pandemic. This scheme is also open to voluntary sector organisations and community groups who need support.


GOV.UK - How to get help toolkit
A new ‘Find Help’ toolkit has been developed to support citizens if they, or someone else are struggling because of Coronavirus. It covers a range of circumstances including feeling unsafe, going in to work, paying bills or being unemployed, getting food, having somewhere to live and mental health and wellbeing.


NSPCC Learning - Resources for the voluntary and community sector
NSPCC Learning has pulled together resources to help the voluntary and community sector safeguard and protect children and young people during the coronavirus pandemic.


Youth Access - Remote support toolkit

The toolkit pulls together best practice learning on how to support young people’s mental health and wellbeing remotely in a safe and accessible way. It's been designed to make it easy to find the information needed to provide engaging online services at your organisation, whether it is a remote offer that needs strengthening, or are embarking on offering remote support for the first time.


Charity Digital Code - COVID-19 digital checklist for charity trustees and leaders

Users can refer to the checklist for tips on developing digital services, setting up remote working and people management systems, optimising digital fundraising platforms, digitalising governance processes, incorporating digital activity into strategy and making the most of resources. 


BHIB Charities - Reopening charities after COVID-19 – Risk Assessment Templates

This checklist aims to list some of the key issues that charities and voluntary organisations should consider prior to reopening. It should facilitate charities in reviewing your internal policies, risk assessments and safe systems of work to make sure they are still relevant, as well as ensure the charity has considered how staff and volunteers will return to work safely.



The Children’s Society - Supporting young people and parents: the impact of Covid-19 on adolescents, parenting and neglect
This briefing explores the challenges that adolescents and their parents face during the Covid-19 pandemic. It offers advice for professionals on how to reduce the likelihood of neglect occuring or to mitigate its effects and includes recommendations for national and local decision makers around prevention and responses to adolescent neglect. 


Full Fact - How you can fact check claims about the new coronavirus
There is a lot of information being circulated about coronavirus, but not all of it is accurate. False or misleading information can come in many forms: from viral posts on social media, to comments made by public figures, to statements printed or broadcast by journalists. Full Fact have published a list of fact checks as well as advice on how to check whether information is reliable or not.  


Healthy London Partnership - Return to School Communications Toolkit
This is a communications framework to support children and young people, parents and carers, staff and leaders working in education. As schools, colleges and other learning organisations prepare for the return of students, this document will be regularly updated to align with the school calendar and to respond to emerging feedback, themes, or issues as we move into new stages of the response to COVID-19.


Parent Info - Coronavirus: children returning to school
Parent Info has published tips for parents and carers to help their primary and secondary school children and young people cope when returning to school.


 Kings College London - Managing through COVID-19: the experiences of children's social care in 15 English local authorities.
Examines the arrangements introduced in 15 local authority children's social care departments in England during the coronavirus pandemic. Discusses: referrals of concerns about children's welfare; working with families in a pandemic; contact with families; child protection conferences; contact between children and birth families; foster care; placements; care leavers and unaccompanied young people seeking asylum; residential homes; and multi-agency working.


Translated COVID 19 Guidance

The Government released translated guidance for self-isolation, shielding vulnerable people, and for households with a possible coronavirus case. 


COVID-19 Stakeholder and Influencer Toolkit

Please share the information in this toolkit. Use the content and messages on your social media channels and in your newsletters.


NSPCC - Coronavirus: updated safeguarding briefings and remote teaching content
NSPCC Learning has updated the coronavirus (COVID-19) safeguarding briefings for social workers, schools and early years providers. The content on undertaking remote teaching safely has also been updated.


2- 3 Degrees - How to Attract and Engage Young People Online Recording and E – guide
2 – 3 Degrees are sharing the learning and resources from their online session to youth practitioners and professionals on how to deliver successfully virtually to young people. From that session there is a recording of the webinar and an E-guide on Online Facilitation available.


Youth Work Support website – Strategic Leadership Resources
COVID Youth Work support website have added a whole new section of resources to the Youth Work Support COVID-19 site. The series of resources and links are to help leadership teams handle a range of strategic challenges which may have arisen from the COVID-19 pandemic.


National Youth Agency - Safeguarding and Risk Management Hub (The Hub)
This free online hub provides guidance, support, templates and access to training all around safeguarding and risk management for organisations and individuals working with young people. The Hub provides a comprehensive risk management framework that can be applied to the diverse activities across the youth sector with content drafted and maintained by safeguarding and risk experts. 


APPG Group on A Fit And Healthy Childhood - The Covid Generation: A Mental Health Pandemic In The Making Report
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on a Fit and Healthy Childhood has published its report into children's mental health during and after the Coronavirus pandemic


Thrive LDN - Building emotional resilience with Dr Radha
Thrive LDN has teamed up with Dr Radha Modgil, NHS GP, broadcaster and campaigner for wellbeing, alongside a range of Londoners, to develop a 20-minute training video on emotional resilience.




Resources for Young People




Children’s Commissioners for England - Children’s guide to coronavirus

The guide aims to answer children’s questions about coronavirus, tell children how to stay safe and protect other people and how to help them make the best of their time at home.



The Mix

How to deal with Coronavirus related anxiety


Founder and Coders

A practical guide to Zoom for Young People


Care Cards by@madeleinejm and @ArtTherapyToday

Young people can doodle and write in these care cards daily and share with friends.


K's Word

Blog commenting on young people's experience on social media during the COVID -19 outbreak.



Kooth - Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people
Kooth is an online counselling and emotional well-being support service accredited by The British Association of Psychotherapy and Counselling for young people aged 11-19 years. The service will provide a safe and secure means for young people to access online support from a professional team of qualified counsellors.


Spotlight have pulled together a list of links to help us help each other. Visit their website for info on mental health support, fun creative, active and educational activities. You can access loads of online, accredited short courses! With over 30+ options to choose from, now is the perfect time to get your CV popping! #stayathome #wearehere #weare_spotlight

Maths Factor
Maths resources for ages 4-12, matched with the National curriculum to support childrens’ continued learning at home for the duration of the schools closure period.
PE with Joe Wicks

At home PE class for children.  


K's Word

Blog commenting on young people's experience on social media during the COVID -19 outbreak.


Spotlight – Health Spot online GP service for young people

Spotlight have launched a new GP service for young people with the social distancing age. Find out how you can get expert advice on unmet health needs.


Albert Kennedy Trust- Coronavirus: advice and support

AKT are offering support to LGBTQ+, aged 16-25 and who need support with housing, homelessness, or living in a hostile environment.


The Wellness Society – Coronavirus Anxiety Workbook

This is a tool to help people build resilience during difficult times.


Ks Word – Friday 17 April
Blog commenting on young people's experiences on social media during the COVID -19 outbreak.


Young Minds - Tips for creating a routine during self-isolation

Structure can be really helpful for our mental health in uncertain times. Laura, 21, shares how she's creating a new routine during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.


Success Club – Mindfulness Resources
Being unable to leave the house or see friends and family, can affect mental health and well-being. As part of their programme, North London based children's charity Success Club teaches, amongst other well-being strategies, mindfulness for everyday use. They have put together some free online resources aimed at helping families mentally cope with the current situation. Lessons are updated weekly.


Kazzum - Animated resources to support the wellbeing of children and young people.
This collection of short animations have been created in collaboration with animator Robin Lane-Roberts, to support the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people. They created these resources in response to the the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact of social distancing on our BUILD programme at London East Alternative Provision (Tower Hamlets’ PRU) for those excluded from mainstream secondary education.


Telephone: 020 7332 3599


Location: Partnership for Young London, City of London, Guildhall, London EC2V 7HH


Postal: Partnership for Young London, City of London, PO Box 270, Guildhall, London EC2P 2EJ


Charity registration number: 1062226

Company Limited by Guarantee: 3334117


Illustrations by Drew Sinclair 

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