London Youth
Tackling Youth Violence Network
This well-established network of youth workers and youth violence specialists has been running since 2012 and meets quarterly, at locations across London. membership@londonyouth.org.
Employability Network
The Employability Network meets quarterly, bringing together youth work professionals to discuss key themes such as racial disparity in youth unemployment and how to best support young people with learning disabilities and to share policy updates. membership@londonyouth.org.
Inclusion Network
The purpose of the Inclusion Network is to provide youth professionals with the opportunity to share knowledge, expertise and resources on inclusion issues.
Inclusion is understood as: Reducing physical and social barriers; Having a community-led approach; Identifying and understanding client group’s needs; Promoting positive attitudes and behaviours towards individuals. membership@londonyouth.org.
Regional Impact Network
This is a network of youth organisations working in and around London, supported by the Centre for Youth Impact. The network supports youth organisations to undertake meaningful evaluation and impact measurement. It provides a ‘safe space’ in which members can share issues or challenges that they are facing in their work, seek advice from peers and access support that will inform their practice. membership@londonyouth.org.
Wellbeing and Mental Health Network
This network was recently set up to help youth professionals better support the wellbeing and mental health needs of the young people they work with. This allows our members to come together to address some of the challenges they face in this area. membership@londonyouth.org.
Youth Involvement Network
The Youth Involvement Network is offered as part of our Jimmy Dixon Leadership Programme at London Youth. It seeks to bring together youth professionals to discuss best practice for meaningful youth involvement to provide practical tools, share experiences and network with other youth workers. membership@londonyouth.org.
Learning Together is a flexible programme of regional learning and development activities for voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise groups and organisations supporting their communities’ needs through COVID-19. Join Learning Together to maximise and enhance the support you can offer your communities. You can apply for a place here. The closing date is Friday 17 September.
We have a range of thematic and specialist networks on youth-led research, policy, equity and inclusion, care experienced young people among others
Peer Research – a network for organisations interested in developing youth led research, the group meets on a quarterly basis to share resources, take part in training and collaborate on research. Contact Matthew Walsham Matthew.Walsham@cityoflondon.gov.uk
PYL weekly Policy and Practice Bulletin, which profiles practice news., funding opportunities, resources for youth workers, training materials and events please register here http://eepurl.com/dCWcV9
Participation Workers Network for London, linked to the Children in Care Council (CiCC) the participation workers meet on a monthly basis to share practice, resources and support on offer for care experienced young people. To come to the meetings please contact Zoe.Nation@cityoflondon.gov.uk
Pan London Children in Care Council. This is a group for care experienced young people and they meet on a bi-monthly basis, please contact Zoe.Nation@cityoflondon.gov.uk
Children England https://www.childrenengland.org.uk/
Represent over 16,000 voluntary organisations, charities, community groups and social enterprises across England. They support members by developing practical resources designed to support the day-to-day running of their organisations
Website: https://www.ncvo.org.uk/practical-support/
NCVO Mentoring and Befriending Network is the new name for the M&B member network. Anyone with an interest in mentoring and befriending can sign up free of charge, by registering online. Existing users can log in here.
NCVO represents charities, community groups and social enterprises across England. We support our members by developing practical resources designed to support the day-to-day running of their organisations, saving them time to focus on their beneficiaries. Apply to join NCVO