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SOS (Sense of Self) Emotional Well Being Session for Women in the Sector from BAME Communities

Wed, 11 Nov



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Time & Location

11 Nov 2020, 11:00 – 12:30


About the Event

We will be holding an online workshop, led by Creative Coach, Komplete Small, on techniques to support our emotional wellbeing as we navigate our way through the additional pressures of dealing with COVID-19. Participants will be offered some simple techniques on breath work, meditation and affirmations that we can tap into – even in the midst of our busy lives -  to help create and sustain positive mental health. PYL has funding to deliver a series of sessions to women from BAME communities who work in the voluntary sector, as research shows that we are being adversely affected by the pandemic This event is a part of that offer. 

We want you to get as much out of the session beforehand as possible, so here are a few things to help you prepare!

  • Before joining the call try and create a calm space to be in where you can avoid      unnecessary interruptions
  • Ideally bring an essential oil  :- peppermint, eucalyptus, citrus (something that clears the airways)
  • Bring a soothing body cream to massage into your pulse points (it can be anything you like such as Nivea,      Cocoa Butter…etc) Pick something that makes you feel a sense of relief, peace, joy and happiness when using it
  • If possible, use a room or body mist that you like! You can also use a diffuser with a scent, or incense,      this is to promote a calm relaxing environment/atmosphere

If you are able to, try and practice the following mindful exercise beforehand:

  • Set an alarm (a gentle one)  for 3 mins
  • Close your eyes, relaxing your  mind and body, breathe naturally
  • Notice your breath, empty your mind as much as you can. Imagine space and time as calming light
  • If you receive any distracting thoughts, picture them in bubbles and burst them in your mind’s eye  -  let them float away
  • Allow all of your senses to engage and enjoy the stillness
  • If thoughts return, repeat, to expand relaxation…

With practice this exercise becomes easier and more sustainable. You can choose to extend the timer, which  is just to bring you back to centre, should your thoughts drift. If you are having difficulty sleeping this is also a great exercise to aid a restful night

Feel free to reach out, to ask me any questions you may have before the session!

Happy practicing and really looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday 11th November at 11.00am on zoom.

* Once you are registered for this event you will find the meeting link in the confirmation and reminder emails. If you are having difficulties finding these emails, please check your spam box.

Share This Event

Location: Partnership for Young London, City of London, Guildhall, London EC2V 7HH


Postal: Partnership for Young London, City of London, PO Box 270, Guildhall, London EC2P 2EJ

Charity registration number: 1062226

Company Limited by Guarantee: 3334117


Illustrations by Drew Sinclair 

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