Apprenticeships in London: Policy and youth roundtable
Thu, 20 Jul
An opportunity to work with a group of young people to design solutions to the challenge of low apprenticeship starts in London.
Time & Location
20 Jul 2023, 17:00 – 18:30
About the Event
Apprenticeships in London: Policy and youth roundtable
This roundtable is one of a series that aim to bring policy and decision makers together with a group of young peer researchers to design detailed questions around policy and practice that will be asked in a large scale survey to young people across the capital.
We will be inviting a group of young people to the roundtable to hear about the policy context around apprenticeships in London, and the apprenticeship levy. They will then facilitate a series of break out discussions looking at what specific policy questions around apprenticeships we want to ask young people later in our survey.
- Welcome and introduction - Matthew Walsham, Partnership for Young London (5.00pm - 5.10pm)
- The policy context of Apprenticeships in London - Dianna Neal, London Councils (5.10pm - 5.20pm)
- Discussion on how we can improve apprenticeship takeup in London - Group discussion (5.20pm - 5.45pm)
- Breakout group session on survey question design - Facilitated by young people (5.45pm - 6.15pm)
- Summary and next steps - (6.15pm - 6.30pm)
This roundtable is part of our new Mapping Solutions for London research, which is a follow up to the original Mapping Young London report ( which looked at the challenges faced by young people in 2021. For this follow up report we want to replicate the success of Mapping Young London, but also focus on:
- Peer research approach: While the first report was co-designed, we want to recruit a consistent group of peer researchers who will design and lead on this work throughout. They will be paid a living wage, and be trained on research methods, ethics, and analysis.
- Similar or greater sample: Mapping Young London reached 1,600 young people. We would want this follow up to reach that number, or more. We will again recruit participants mainly through social media, though other means will be up to the peer researchers.
- Similar or greater level of collaboration: Mapping Young London was a collaboration with 22 organisations. However, while a similar number of organisations would be ideal, for this project we want to focus on greater involvement and engagement by external organisations during the design of the research too.
- Solutions focused: As a follow up, we want to focus on young people’s views on policy solutions and change. We want to ask about specific policies scoped out by young people and policymakers and learn what the specific changes young people support are.