Time & Location
26 Mar 2021, 14:00 – 16:00
About the Event
London Policy Network
Please see below the revised agenda for the London Policy Network on Friday 26 March, 2-4pm. This will be in two parts.
Part one
One Big Conversation - We will be hosting One Big Conversation on the impact of Covid-19 on young people, and how we target any communications on the vaccine. This is supported by work happening at the Greater London Authority who have partnered with Public Health England and NHS London to facilitate a series of targeted online events hosted by sector experts called The Big Conversation.
We have the following panel joining us to look at what is happening across London and how we support young people and their communities.
- Dr Leonora Weil - PH Consultant COVID-19 Response – COVID Prevention & Control
- Dan Burke – CEO of Young Harrow Foundation
- Dar Sarah Filson
- Dr Vanessa Apnea
This session will be an opportunity to look at the impact of Covid-19 on young people, and how we can work collectively across health, the voluntary and statutory sector around the vaccine rollout, We really welcome your views and opinions to help us make sure this is targeted well and links to young people’s concerns and feedback.
Part two
- Young Londoners Research – Matt Walsham
- Centre for London –London Futures, a Centre for London strategic project that examines the state of London today, explores different scenarios for London’s future and involving Londoners in creating a new shared vision for the city. Mario Washington
- Unapologetically Me - Sandra Vacciana will be feeding back on the programme supporting colleagues and young people from minoritised communities through the pandemic
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